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Wheat Grass Benefits for Skin

illustration of a patch of growing wheat grass above the nutritional facts per 100g of wheat grass, including vitamins and minerals

You may well know wheat grass is classified as a superfood, but do you know how much it can actually do for your body? This young grass is part of the wheat family. It contains a wealth of nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and E, but also iron, calcium, enzymes, magnesium, proteins, 17 amino acids, and more.

You have probably seen wheat grass sold in various forms, including liquid, tablet, powder, and capsules. And in its various forms, people use wheat grass in their smoothies, drink it straight up as a juice, or eat it raw. Whichever way you consume it, the possible health benefits include boosted immunity, reduced inflammation, weight reduction, and lower blood sugar.

Other research suggests that wheat grass may positively impact cancer and chemotherapy, arthritis, heart disease, anemia, infections, joint pain, and much more. It’s important to note, though, that scientific studies regarding the health benefits of wheat grass are preliminary. Findings are not final or conclusive. That all being said, anecdotal evidence shows that wheat grass may help support the liver and detoxify the body, which can lead to better overall health and energy.

Is Wheat Grass Anti-Aging?

Wheat grass is full of chlorophyll, which plays a crucial role in keeping the skin hydrated. That reduces the signs of aging, including lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. Although most people think of wheat grass supplements as something they ingest, there are some ways to apply wheat grass directly to the skin.

To do so, some people make a paste of wheat grass and milk. Others freeze wheat grass in water and apply the ice to their face. There is no research to support the benefits of these mixtures. Anecdotally, though, many people who use it claim it rids the skin of blemishes and reduces wrinkles, lines, and other signs of damaged skin.

young woman's face showing three areas of the skin that commonly show signs of wrinkles and skin damage, reduced when skin is kept hydrated with chlorophyll which is plentiful in wheat grass
photo of woman's face - the left side showing natural skin damage over time and the right side showing how wheat grass can slow down skin damage.

Even though boils, cuts, bruises, sunburns, and sores are secondary skin concerns, many wheat grass fans claim that it can help ease that damage, too. Also, consuming wheat grass plays a role in fighting aging, because it slows down skin damaging free radicals as a result of UV exposure and pollution.

Are There Any Potential Downsides to WheatGrass Products?

Wheat grass is considered safe for most people, but it has caused nausea, anorexia, and constipation for some consumers. Those with celiac disease, wheat and grass allergies, or gluten intolerance should avoid wheat grass until they check with their doctors. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are also generally advised to avoid wheat grass. This is because wheat grass is grown in soil or water and may contain mold or bacteria.

Lowering blood sugar levels is often a positive, except for those with diabetes. This is why those who have diabetes should always check with their doctors before adding wheat grass to their diets. Even if you receive the OK to consume it, it’s recommended that you carefully monitor your blood sugar when taking it.

glass of water in front of sliced lemon and bowl of wheat grass powder; a woman's hand holding a spoonful of wheat grass powder above the glass.

The lower blood sugar may also cause issues before and after surgery. Make sure your doctor knows you take wheat grass.

Another downside to wheat grass, at least for some, is its taste. It has a robust and earthy flavor that can be bitter. Adding wheat grass to fruits or into smoothies are just two ways to improve its taste and make it more palatable. Many people also mix wheat grass with milk, honey, kombucha, or juice.

How Much Wheat Grass Juice Can You Drink Each Day?

a woman standing in her kitchen drinking a glass of wheat grass juice with a smile on her face

As with most supplements, the amount of wheat grass you can safely consume each day depends on many variables, including your health profile and age. Sure, wheat grass is generally safe, and the side effects are usually minor, but many different factors, including your diet and prescription medicines, can play into how the superfood interacts with your body.

Start With Smaller Amounts

If you have the all-clear to take wheat grass, it’s recommended to start with small amounts to avoid digestive distress. Your body will likely adjust to the wheat grass within two weeks. After your body adapts, most people take between 1 to 4 ounces of wheat grass or 3 to 5 grams of powdered wheat grass.

a wooden spoon full of green wheat grass powder next to a bundle of fresh wheat grass

Wheat Grass is not a Replacement

a tall glass of green wheat grass juice surrounded by green vegetables

Wheat grass is a dietary supplement, but it doesn’t replace natural fruits and vegetables. Those foods have fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are needed by your body. Also, wheat grass, like other dietary supplements, is not closely regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. That’s why it’s essential for you to carefully select high-quality wheat grass. The best way to do so is to read labels and any other information from the producer carefully.

What Happens if You Drink Wheat Grass Every Day?

There are no definitive studies that show what happens when you drink wheat grass every day. However, some people claim that a daily glass of wheat grass or another form of that supplement can eliminate toxins, aid digestion, boost metabolism, lower cholesterol, and more. Also, one of the lesser-known benefits of wheat grass is that it lowers your overall chance of health issues in general. That is because it is packed with antioxidants that fight free radicals and reduce inflammation.

Another benefit you may find when taking wheat grass products every day is boosting the vitamin C in your body. That vitamin C also increases your collagen level. Of course, collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It is naturally produced in the body and has many health benefits, including hydrating skin, easing joint pain, improving gut health, and impacts many other parts of the body.

Are you interested in what else collagen can do to support your health? Check out Brightcore’s Revive multi-collagen supplement.

How to Choose A Wheat Grass Supplement

a smiling man in a white shirt holding a jar of Brightcore's Sweet Wheat capsules in one hand and a jar of Brightcore's Sweet Wheat wheatgrass juice powder in his other hand

When you choose supplements, make sure you carefully read the label. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate supplements as strictly as they do medications and foods, so it’s important to get completely familiar with the product and its ingredients, so you can avoid potentially harmful fillers. And if you do need to know more, you can always reach out to the manufacturer to learn more.

The good news is that you never have to question the production or ingredients in Brightcore Nutrition’s Sweet Wheat. Select from organic wheat grass juice powder or capsules and feel confident in knowing it’s crafted from an array of phytonutrients, live enzymes, and chlorophyll. It boosts energy and alkalizes so it may ease acidic issues. And, of course, it’s certified organic and rich in antioxidants.

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