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Hyaluronic Acid Foods

middle-aged woman with graying hair and smooth, radiant skin with use of hyaluronic acid

Most people want soft and supple skin, but they may not realize that consuming foods high in hyaluronic acid, such as bone broth and citrus fruits, can be a big help. That’s not to say you can’t get closer to your goal of healthier skin through other means, such as taking vitamins A and E, reducing sun exposure, and drinking more water. However, talk to any skincare enthusiast, and they will likely tell you that foods high in hyaluronic acids work wonders.

Eating foods high in this substance is a natural way to boost how much of it you have in your body. Although your body produces this substance, 

hyaluronic acid production slows as you age. That’s problematic because the substance keeps skin, eyes, and connective tissues well-lubricated. Just look at the labels of commercial eye drops and serums—you’ll often see hyaluronic acid listed as an ingredient.

There are several factors that lessen or destroy hyaluronic acid in the body, as well as its production. One such factor is the loss of estrogen and testosterone from aging. Environmental factors also decrease hyaluronic acid in your body. In fact, one study noted it takes only five minutes of sun exposure for hyaluronic acid to break down.

So, given that there are numerous ways to lose this substance, how can you get more of it in your body? Let’s take a look.

How Do You Increase Hyaluronic Acid Naturally?

Eating whole foods as part of your diet is arguably the healthiest way to increase hyaluronic acid in your body.

variety of whole foods that will increase the hyaluronic acid in your body, like citrus fruits, meat, fish, avocado and more

A study in the International Journal of Aging and Clinical Research listed a range of foods that are sources of hyaluronic acid. 

They include:

There are also non-animal products that can serve as sources of hyaluronic acid for vegans and vegetarians. 

Some of the top foods include:

  • Sea bream
  • Horse-mackerel
  • Mackerel pike
  • Sardine
  • Eel
  • Flat fish
  • Shrimp
  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Bone broth

  • Fermented soybean (like natto)
  • Sea tangle
  • Kelp
  • Yam
  • Leafy greens
  • Carrots
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons)

  • Berries
  • Grapes
  • Mangoes
  • Bananas
  • Apple
  • Cilantro
  • Thyme
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Red wine
  • Purple grape juice

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acids for Beauty

Serums, eye drops, and other beauty products with hyaluronic acid act like sponges—some even refer to hyaluronic acid as “nature’s sponge”—that pull moisture to the top layers of the skin. Benefits include fighting signs of aging, such as plumping of the skin that fills in fine lines.

The downside to such products is that they can’t penetrate the deepest layers of your skin. That means the younger, softer skin soon fades unless more product is used. Only eating hyaluronic foods and taking such supplements can result in more dramatic results. Plus, they help to even skin tone and texture. Even oily skin needs the hydration and properties that ensure pores don’t clog, and hyaluronic acid provides that.

woman's face with smooth skin, hyaluronic acid serums help pull moisture to the top layers of the skin, but those products don't penetrate the deeper layers of our skin

Hyaluronic Acid Benefits Beyond Beauty

small pool of hyaluronic acid serum, a watery, gelatin-like substance, coming out of dropper.

Don’t let the possible skin care benefits of hyaluronic acid make you think it’s only associated with beauty products. It does a lot more than keep signs of aging at bay.

First, it’s important to understand that hyaluronic acid itself is a watery, gelatin-like substance. Its consistency allows it to play many roles in your tissues, heart valves, aorta, lungs, and prostate. Its role in health varies depending on its location in your body although its key property is water retention.

Here are other potential benefits of increasing your hyaluronic acid levels to keep in mind:

1. Eases Osteoarthritis

Hyaluronic acid also lubricates the joints, which helps those dealing with osteoarthritis. Although most medical studies examine results after injectables, there are some studies that have begun to look at how hyaluronic acid taken by mouth relieves pain and stiffness of those with osteoarthritis. Although results are not definitive, small research studies have shown promise.

A 2015 study in Rheumatology International showed that overweight participants with osteoarthritis who took an oral hyaluronic acid supplement had significantly less inflammation in their knees. Other small studies underscored those results.

2. Speeds Wound Healing

The same properties that relieve inflammation and pain of osteoarthritis also relieve the pain and speed wound healing for those with leg ulcers, wounds, and chronic inflammatory dental disease, such as gingivitis.

3. Reduces Acid Reflux

When acid reflux causes stomach contents to regurgitate into the throat, hyaluronic acid may soothe the pain. It may even help heal the damage that acid causes to the lining of the esophagus.

4. Soothes Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a nuisance to some and debilitating to others. The condition is caused by reduced tear production and quickly evaporating tears. Those with dry eye are generally more prone to potentially blinding eye infections. Hyaluronic acid retains moisture so it may help to keep eyes moist while alleviating pain.

5. Strengthen Bones

Early research shows that hyaluronic acid may slow bone loss and even build new bone tissues.

6. Reduces Eczema

There is no definitive treatment for eczema, but research suggests hyaluronic acid may improve the symptoms of mild to moderate eczema.

female legs with one knee joint being held up slightly representing osteoarthritis; hyaluronic acid lubricates the joints

a close-up of a woman's inflamed gums; hyaluronic acid can speed up healing and reduce inflammation

a woman leaning her head back to put eye drops in her eye; hyaluronic acid can help eyes retain moisture and soothe dry eye pain

a female scratching her arm; hyaluronic acid may improve symptoms of eczema

Supplements as Source of Hyaluronic Acid

As mentioned, eating more whole foods is always the best choice for getting additional nutrients, but it’s well-known that American diets are less than optimal. Poor diets are even thought to result in $50 billion in health care costs every year. That’s where dietary supplements may help, as they can provide the nutrients that may be missing from a diet.

A review of studies in Nutrition Journal found that there were no notable side effects to those that took hyaluronic acid supplements. That doesn’t mean no one has experienced side effects, though. There are reports of dizziness, headaches, and swelling from those who have had injected hyaluronic acids, for example. Also, a study published in Clinical Drug Investigation urged those with a history of cancer to avoid hyaluronic acid supplements.

Anyone who is considering the use of a supplement should speak with their doctor or health care professional before they start taking one. They can interact with other medicines and supplements you’re already consuming. This is especially important for pregnant or nursing mothers.

Tips for Choosing the Best Supplement For You

There are many dietary supplements on the market. And with so many to choose from, it helps to know what to look for and where you can get started. Although scientific studies about dietary supplements are not definite, there is scientific reason to believe oral hyaluronic supplements play positive roles in your health. However, researchers note that the supplements must be high-quality to produce positive results.

Here are some tips to follow as you shop:

a woman's hands holding a glass of water in one and a jar of Brightcore's Revive collagen powder in the other.

1. Check the ingredients listed on the label

Some supplements contain sugars, fillers, binders, preservatives, and other ingredients you may not want to include in your diet. Make sure you read the labels on the supplement so you know exactly what is in it. Cellulose, soybean oil, and citric acid are a few of the many additives you may find.

2. Read customer reviews thoroughly

Take a look at the company’s website and other retailers’ sites where the product is being sold. A thorough web search can unearth vital information about the supplement.

3. Determine how the supplement is produced

You want to ensure that the manufacturer follows high standards for production and handling. If you can’t find the information you need on the producer’s website or on the product packaging, you can always try emailing or calling them directly.

A High-Quality Supplement High in Hyaluronic Acid

One of the best and easiest ways to add hyaluronic acid to your diet is to choose a product that combines the substance with other necessary and supportive nutrients. Brightcore’s Revive® ticks all those boxes and more.

This multi-collagen protein powder contains hyaluronic acid that aids your hair, skin, and organs. It also contains vitamin C that assists in the absorption of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Revive is made from grass-fed, antibiotic-free cows, chicken collagen from free-range, antibiotic-free chicks, fish collagen from wild-caught Atlantic cod, and other high quality ingredients.

A jar of Brightcore's Revive, high quality, collagen powder with hyaluronic acid; white container with light green and yellow accents

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