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Keto Collagen Peptides

white jar of collagen powder

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. Collagen supports almost every part of your body, including connective and structural tissues, bones, tendons, ligaments, hair, and skin.

It’s little wonder many of those on the keto diet use collagen supplements. Limiting protein on a keto diet helps you lose fat, but it can also rob you of collagen, which is needed to ensure all parts of your body function well. Without it, wrinkles may appear, your joints may ache, and you may experience other issues. However, you can add collagen peptides to your food without disrupting your keto diet.

While we know collagen is protein, you may hear people talk about keto collagen peptides, collagen supplements, and collagen powder. Many people often use the terms interchangeably, which can lead to confusion.

As you consider adding collagen peptides to your keto diet, keep the following information in mind:

keto collagen peptides and collagen supplements on the counter with a glass of water

  • Collagen is made from the amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. It’s always keto friendly, but you should check the supplement labels to ensure no fillers are added.
  • Peptides are short chains of amino acids. They are not Type I collagen, which is the primary type of collagen in your body.
  • Collagen peptides are dietary supplements usually derived from bovine.
  • Collagen supplements are dietary supplements, and one such form is collagen powder.
  • Collagen powder is arguably the most popular form of collagen supplement, especially when it’s infused with vitamin C and other nutrients. Again, be sure to double check the powder’s label to make sure the manufacturer didn’t include any fillers.
  • Most people consider “regular” collagen powder the best. It’s made from the bones of bovine (usually cows). These “regular” powders are typically tasteless, making them easy to mix into keto recipes and other foods that those on the keto lifestyle eat.

What is the Keto Diet?

Keto diets differ, of course, but the standard ketogenic diet (SKD) menu contains 70 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and 10 percent carbs. There is no one perfect keto diet. Individual health profiles, concerns, and conditions play a role in which keto diet is best for each individual. The SKD, as noted above, is the most common keto diet.

Alternatives include the following:

  • High-protein ketogenic diet (HPKD) that consists of 60 percent fat, 35 percent protein, and 5 percent carbohydrates.
  • Targeted ketogenic diet (TKD) that adds carbohydrates near periods of intensive physical workout.
  • Cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD) that involves alternating high carbohydrate days with high ketogenic (high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate) days.

a notepad that reads "Ketogenic Diet" and displays a pie graph showing a large majority of fats, about 25% proteins, and low carbs - next to a variety of high fat, protein rich foods

The SKD and HPKD are especially popular with athletes.

What Do You Eat on a Keto Diet?

Keto diets basically limit the amount of carbohydrates eaten, which forces the body to turn to other sources of energy. That happens in about four days and it ignites fat loss. Again, throughout this process, you want to ensure you’re consuming a healthy protein that the body can easily digest and use.

Whether you’re on a regular diet or keto diet, you want to ensure you eat the highest quality protein and nutrients possible. Fish, egg whites, chicken, citrus fruits, red and yellow vegetables, and berries are prime choices for those who want a healthy, balanced diet. That’s because those are among the collagen-friendly foods that allow the body to create amino acids, which are the building blocks for protein.

a colorful plate of food including ham, broccoli, nuts, strawberries, eggs, and spinach

When you choose collagen protein, it’s important to pick one that’s made from the same high-quality foods you would typically eat. Of course, a collagen supplement doesn’t treat, cure, or prevent diseases any more than collagen-rich foods do. However, all types of collagen play major roles in the body. That’s one reason people choose collagen peptides over whey protein and other supplements. 

Keto Collagen

black jar of protein powder with full scoop on top

powdered collagen in a wooden spoon displayed in front of vegetables - when dieting you must ensure your body gets enough collagen

The body takes dietary protein and breaks it down into what eventually becomes collagen. However, there’s a limit to how much one person can eat in a day, especially for those on the keto diet. Too much protein can take the person out of ketosis, which is the fat burning that happens when the body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates. That’s why fat is the prominent food eaten on the keto diet.

When you aren’t eating much protein, you still want to make sure your body has enough collagen. The body’s collagen production slows once a person hits age 20, and supplementary collagen peptides can add nutrition to a diet. That’s even more evident when you consider smoking, excessive sun exposure, and a poor diet also rob the body of collagen and slow its overall production.

Most manufacturers make their collagen peptides from the bones, skins, and connectives tissues of bovine. That’s one reason bone broth has become a staple in some keto diets. Most people in Western culture do not enjoy eating connective tissues, which is why collagen peptides align with a carb-free or low-carb diet.

Quality Ingredients Matter

To make sure the collagen protein is high quality, read the product’s label and ask questions before you purchase or otherwise commit to it. Some collagen supplements contain fillers, sweeteners, and other ingredients. That means the product may not suit your keto lifestyle. Plus, it may not even be dairy-free or gluten-free.

You may already know that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate dietary supplements in the same way it does medications or foods. The agency plays a watchdog role, but it relies on the companies that produce dietary supplements to avoid false claims and monitor their products’ quality. Still, that doesn’t mean all producers use high-quality ingredients.

the back label on Brightcore's Revive collagen supplement - showing nutritional and supplement facts

Protein, Collagen, and the Keto Diet

Although studies about collagen and collagen supplements’ role in the body are not definitive, early studies show that it may play a role in good health. Early studies show that collagen may help strengthen the heart, reduce joint pain, improve gut health (by easing leaky gut), and lessen wrinkles, skin dryness, and other signs of aging (which result from decreased collagen production).

woman pouring one scoop of collagen powder into a cup

There are many reasons most of those that live the low-carb lifestyle choose to fill their diets with the healthiest protein they can find. Such protein aids fat loss, satisfies hunger, is needed to build bones, nails, and even hair stronger, helps build muscles, assists the body in healing after exercise or other exertion, and supports healthy brain function.

Adding Collagen Supplements to Your Keto Diet

One way those on the keto diet can make sure they have the benefits of collagen without going into ketosis is to consider adding a collagen supplement to their routine. Of course, it’s recommended that you check with your healthcare professional to decide what dose is right for you. They can also help you evaluate the collagen supplement and choose the best one for you and your specific dietary needs.

One high-quality collagen supplement to consider is Brightcore’s Revive®. We make it from wild-caught fish, cage-free chickens, grass-fed hydrolyzed bovine, and eggshell. And, we include infusions of vitamin C and hyaluronic acid to add to the overall product’s nutritional value. You don’t need to worry about unnecessary ingredients here, either. Our tasteless powder doesn’t contain GMO, dairy, soybean, fillers, artificial binders, and colors.

a jar of Brightcore's Revive collagen supplement

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