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Barley vs wheatgrass

Many people are stumped when they consider the pros and cons of barley vs. wheat grass. They often ask the question “is barley grass the same as wheat grass?” Although there are many similarities between the two cereal grasses, there are also some key differences.

Some of the differences include the primary source for each of these superfoods. Young shoots of barley plants are used to make barley grass. Wheat grass, on the other hand, is made from the early shoots of wheat plants.

Although both superfoods are generally safe to use, your specific health conditions play a major role in how your body reacts to the specific grass you choose. It’s important to consult your physician before you take these or any supplements.

Barley and Wheat Grass Similarities

Both barley grass and wheat grass are packed with vitamins and minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants. There are many proponents of wheat grass, barley grass, and other superfoods that speak to the health benefits they reap from them. Plus, both wheat grass and barley grass supplements are available in powder form, juice, tablets, and sometimes gummies.

While both barley and wheat grass supplements include important nutrients, different brands of these supplements may vary greatly in their nutrient profiles. That’s another reason that it’s important to make sure you always keep a variety of foods including green vegetables on your menu.

barley grass vs wheat grass

Barley vs Wheat Grass Nutrition

Again, both wheat grass and barley grass are filled with nutrients. Before we discuss a superfood it’s important to understand what group of nutrients, vitamins, and other nutrition is in raw wheat grass vs barley. Those grasses are the subject of numerous studies about their health values.

Barley Grass

Here’s a partial breakdown of the nutrition in barley grass:

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin E

  • Vitamin E

  • Vitamin K

  • Calcium

  • Chlorophyll content

  • Dietary Fiber

  • Folic Acid

  • Magnesium

  • Thiamin

What this all means, according to studies: “Barley grass has 30 times thiamine and 11 times of calcium than that of cow's milk, 6.5 times carotene and 5 times the iron content of spinach, 7 times the Vitamin the C, 4 times the Thiamine in whole wheat flour,  2 times protein in barley grains, its total flavonoids and alkaloids are 2.1 times, 10.7 times, and GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid, an amino acid) 37.8 times of brown rice.”

What this means to you: Studies show that those who took barley grass powder every day may enjoy many health benefits. Preliminary studies show it may improve sleep, regulate blood sugar and pressure, enhance immunity and liver function, detoxify acne skin, improve gastrointestinal function, prevent constipation, and more.

It may also help control diabetes, work as an antidepressant, serve an anti-cancer effect, and prevent cardiovascular disease.

nutrition barley grass vs wheat grass

Wheat Grass

Here’s a partial breakdown of the nutrition in wheat grass:

  • Amino acids

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin B

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin E

  • Calcium

  • Chlorophyll content

  • Iron

  • Magnesium

What this all means according to studies:“Two ounces of wheat grass juice has the nutritional equivalent of five pounds of the best raw organic vegetables. As compared to carrots, it has approximately twice the amount of Vitamin A and is higher in Vitamin C than oranges. It contains the full spectrum of B vitamins, as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium in a balanced ratio. Wheat grass is a complete source of protein, supplying all of the essential amino acids, and more. It has about 20% of total calories coming from protein in the form of polypeptides, simpler and shorter chains of amino acids that are efficiently used in the bloodstream and tissues.”

What this means to you: Some preliminary studies show that wheat grass serves as an antioxidative—so it eliminates toxins—and may help keep your liver healthy. Plus, it may reduce blood pressure as well as “bad” cholesterol. Some studies have also found wheat grass may have anti-cancer potential.

One study showed daily consumption of one half of a cup of wheat grass juice reduced ulcerative colitis symptoms for about one-third of participants.

Wheat grass seems to help with digestion, too. There’s also an ongoing debate over whether wheat grass helps you lose weight or raises your metabolism. What is known is that it is low in calories, which makes it a nutrient-packed food substitute.

Wheat grass may even help prevent memory loss, prevent Alzheimer’s disease, and even improve hand-eye coordination, according to studies.

Is Barley Grass the Same as Wheat Grass?

As you can see, barley grass and wheat grass have many similarities but there are some key differences, too.

Experts note that barley grass is basically a “free radical scavenger.” That means it reduces inflammation. Wheat grass is a “gluco-protein.” It reduces inflammation, but it also serves as an antioxidant.

Although both wheat grass powder and barley grass powder have chlorophyll content, wheat grass powder has more chlorophyll than barley grass. Researchers say chlorophyll may bind with cancer-causing substances and help prevent it, though there is not enough scientific research to show how it works.

Wheat Grass vs Barley Grass

Although both wheat grass and barley grass are superfoods, wheat grass may have a slight edge. First, wheat grass supplements are more easily available than barley grass. Also, wheat grass has such a complete nutrient profile that it is often referred to as “green blood.”

There are a host of superfoods available including barley grass, wheat grass, and spirulina that boost the number of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in your body. You should still eat a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables. Green superfoods are a great way to boost your health and prevent disease.

The only true caveat is to make sure you read all of the ingredients on the barley grass juice, wheat grass powder, or other superfood supplements you choose. That will ensure you get the highest quality supplement available.

barley vs wheat grass

You Deserve the Best Wheat Grass

As mentioned, superfood supplements can vary greatly in quality. There are no federal standards guiding what manufacturers use in their supplements and how they are processed.
That’s why it’s essential for you to take the time to read the ingredients in supplements before you work them into your diet. It’s also important to check with your doctor to make sure you choose the best supplement for your particular health profile.

You’ll be glad to know that Brightcore’s Sweet Wheat® powder and capsules are gluten free, non GMO, certified organic, vegan, soy free, and contain no artificial binders, fillers, or colors. When you choose Brightcore’s supplement, you get the highest quality wheat grass supplement that’s designed to support your health.

1 Response


May 29, 2022

What if I consume both wheat and barley grass at the same time. Usually I dink only one of juices (wheatgrass or barley) in the morning on the empty stomach. What if I mix both juices and drink it. Will I get more benefits from doing that, or better to consume it separately?

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