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Alkaline Greens

If you’re familiar with the numerous diets and approaches to nutrition out there, chances are you’ve come across alkaline greens and the associated alkaline diet. Although researchers have disproved claims that the alkaline diet definitively fights cancer, you may be pleased to know that the diet does support other potential health benefits. And those benefits may lead to a significant boost in your overall health.

If you’re interested in learning more about the diet, the “alkaline foods” that encompass it, and more, our guide can help.

circular icon representing alkaline / anti-acid

What is an Alkaline Green? And What’s the Alkaline Diet?

Alkaline greens—in fact, the entire alkaline diet, which goes back decades—are part of a healthy eating plan. The diet includes filling your menu with more fruits and veggies, drinking more water, and consuming less alcohol, processed foods, meat, and sugar.

Proponents of the diet claim that it helps stabilize the blood’s pH level, which leads to better health. Researchers note the diet does have potential health benefits, but not due to pH level changes. In fact, some report that there are no foods that lower your blood’s pH range.

Alkaline / Acid PH Chart showing a range of acidic foods (low ph), neutral, and a range of higher alkaline foods (high ph)

The reason the diet packs a health punch is that it is anti-inflammatory. Such inflammation in the body can damage DNA, which leads to health issues, including cancer. The diet’s other potential benefits include healthier bones and muscles, improved cardiovascular health, and lower risk of hypertension and strokes. It can also help preserve muscle mass in older adults.

What Foods are High in Alkaline?

Most lists of alkaline foods start with the many vegetables that are high in alkaline, such as kelp, kale, mustard greens, cucumber, spinach, broccoli, sprouts, grasses, and parsley. Avocado, celery, spring greens, green beans, lettuce, and arugula are other good choices, though they are only moderate in alkaline. There’s also zucchini and peas to consider, but they are low in alkaline.

You don’t have to limit yourself to those vegetables, either. Cauliflower, cabbage, radishes, and other cruciferous vegetables are alkaline friendly as well.

a variety of green leafy vegetables and other green foods

What are the Top 10 Alkaline Foods?

a colorful blend of different fruits, nuts, and greens arranged in bowls of varying sizes

There are many different types of foods that are high in alkaline, and they range from leafy greens and fruits to nuts and seeds. Here are the top 10 alkaline foods as chosen by a variety of health experts:

1. Herbs
Many people just think of herbs as something to decorate or enhance the taste of foods. What you may not realize is that herbs have many properties that may do everything from preventing diabetes to reducing blood clots. Plus, cinnamon, oregano, cloves, thyme, and sage are among the herbs packed with antioxidants. Want even more benefits? Consider that oregano, sage, chives, and basil help to protect against cancer, while garlic is known to support lowering your blood pressure.
As a note for when you’re shopping, pick fresh herbs if you can, because they always have the most potent health punch. Also, you can do more with herbs than simply use them as a garnish for your meal at the last second (though they’re great for that too!). You can also mix herbs into everything from your favorite green smoothie recipe, to salad dressings and butters, to desserts and soups.

2. Dried fruit
Fruit and fruit juices are alkaline, but dried fruit beats them both. The downside to dried fruit is that its small size makes it easy to overeat and pack on the calories. If you can limit your per-day intake, though, dried fruit has more fiber and antioxidants (phenols) than fresh fruit. Those nutrients may reduce degenerative brain disease, cancer, diabetes, and even heart disease, according to research.

3. Green vegetables
It’s likely no surprise that both cooked and raw green leafy vegetables are not only high in alkaline but packed with other healthy nutrients. We’ve already mentioned some of the most popular greens are high in alkaline. Here are some of those other vegetables and a few of their essential nutrients:

               - Kale has vitamins A, C, and K.
               - Lettuces have vitamin A and folate - 

                 (choose darker colors for more nutrients).

               - Broccoli has vitamins A and C, fiber, potassium,

                 and protein.

4. Avocados
This fruit provides essential amino acids as well as vitamins B and E, calcium, fiber, and potassium. In fact, the potassium in one avocado equals that in three bananas. It’s also a must-have for any green smoothie.

5. Lemons and limes
This may seem odd to you at first because lemons and limes have high citric acid content, but these citrus fruits are among the top alkalizing foods. You’ll also get vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and more when you consume these fruits.

6. Cantaloupe
You likely know cantaloupe is low in calories, given its prevalence in many diets. But what you may not know is that it has a full day’s allowance of vitamin C plus vitamin B6 and potassium.

7. Raisins
Given that raisins are dried grapes, they share many of the same nutritional benefits. Raisins are high in fiber, vitamins B1 and B6, and antioxidants.

8. Cucumbers
Cucumber is a low-calorie vegetable that features vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, fiber, and more nutritional benefits.

9. Radishes
The next low-calorie vegetable on our list is the radish. It’s a well-known source of calcium, vitamin C, potassium, and copper, and it’s a great way to add a burst of peppery flavor to dishes. You can also pickle them for a bit of zing, too.

10. Nuts and seeds
Almonds, chestnuts, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds are among the nuts and seeds that are high alkaline. Plus, they contain protein, fiber, and other nutrients.

watercolor graphic of a wheatgrass shot, listing the various health benefits of using wheatgrass

Consider Using Wheat Grass to Fill the Gaps

Alkaline greens and other high-alkaline foods are part of a healthy diet that can have many benefits and may even help your body fight off diseases. However, if you’re having trouble buying some of the items, particularly the fresh produce, or you simply don’t have the time to make them work as part of your routine, wheat grass may just be the answer. This alkaline and nutritious supplement may help decrease blood sugar, ease inflammation, and provide other health benefits that help it live up to its superfood status.

How to Choose the Best Wheat Grass Supplement

There are many variables you’ll run into when researching wheat grass supplements, powders, and the like. That means they may vary in quality and ingredients even among batches. Although wheat grass comes in several forms, the juice powder is one of the most popular.

Brightcore Nutrition strives to deliver the highest-quality wheat grass powder with Sweet Wheat®. Our organic wheat grass juice powder comes in both powder and pill form, it’s rich in antioxidants, and it contains various phytonutrients, live enzymes, and chlorophyll. In addition to supporting your energy levels and fighting off fatigue, Sweet Wheat also supports your hair, nail, and skin health.

a jar of Brightcore's Sweet Wheat, an organic wheatgrass juice powder - also available in capsule form

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